4 Quadrants of Agile Metrics
Metrics are extremely important for businesses to make monetary decisions based on their most dire needs at the time. But, which metrics are the ones you should really be focusing on?
Find out which metrics are best to key in on and how to best approach doing so.
Zenergy’s staff experts in Agile, DevOps, and quality are in high demand as industry consultants, practitioners, and speakers at the largest software conferences in the world.
From mobile test automation using leading tools to manual testing on mobile devices, Zenergy has the experience to ensure mobile sites and apps perform as expected.
Test automation works best when implemented with a solid strategy. Zenergy has the experience to ensure your automation scales and performs like you want.
Zenergy not only houses leading QA and testing experts, it also employs large teams of automation engineers and test specialists in its onshore facility.
From basic and advanced Selenium Automation courses to Test Methodology, Agile, and more, Zenergy can meet your training needs.