Zenergy is offering public training for IT professionals interested in learning how to automate with Selenium. Selenium is a popular, open-source automation tool that many companies are implementing. Zenergy’s Selenium classes consist of two days of basic instruction and three days of advanced. Participants can take either or both.
The classes will be held in Norcross, GA and run July 13-14, 2015 for basic and July 15-17 for advanced. Costs are:
Selenium Intro: $1,095
Selenium Advanced: $1,495
Selenium Into & Advanced: $2,295
Discounts are available for members of the Atlanta Quality Assurance Association (AQAA) as well as other QAI chapters whose members are willing to travel to the Atlantic area to take the class.
For more information on the classes including syllabi, click here. To learn more about the discounts offered to the QAI chapters or to register, contact Zenergy here.