Software Test Management Workshop
Join Zenergy for its upcoming software test management workshop on:
2024 Workshop Dates: TBA
Virtual or
On Client Site by Request
Instructor: Shaun Bradshaw
Target Audience:
Test Leads & Test Managers
Software Test Management Workshop:
1 Day
Services Testing Workshop
Join Zenergy for its upcoming services testing and automation workshop:
2019 Workshop Dates:
August 5-6
at The Nussbaum Center for Entrepreneurship
1451 South Elm Eugene St., Greensboro, NC 27406
Target Audience:
QA Testers (Basic knowledge of testing; theory and practice)
Services Testing and Automation Workshop:
2 Days
Course Objectives
To provide participants with the tools to improve the overall quality of each software development effort. Students will learn how to:
Analyze the scope of the test effort.
Assess risk associated with software defects.
Prioritize the testing based on risk.
Estimate and schedule the proper resources to complete the test effort in a timely manner.
Develop an accurate and complete Test Plan.
Manage and react to changes in the project’s scope.
Ensure the review of project and test team deliverables.
Track the progress of the test effort through the use of defect tracking and meaningful test metrics.
Report on the status of the test effort at any point in its duration.
Plan the next test effort more efficiently.
How to analyze and plan for the scope of a test effort.
How to develop a comprehensive plan for test execution and management.
Effective strategies for managing software defects.
Measuring the effectiveness of QA and testing to show value to the organization.
Increased customer and end-user confidence and satisfaction.
Course Outline
Introduction to QA & Testing Principles
This section introduces the student to the basic principles of QA and software testing, provides valuable statistics showing the importance of both, and discusses the expectations and responsibilities of a Test Manager.
Pre-Test Activities
1) Defining the Scope
a) Determine Business Needs & Goals
b) Estimate test complexity, size, features, and components
c) Identify types of testing required
2) Assessing Risk and Prioritizing
a) Identify types of risks
b) Recognize potential system impacts
c) Determine contingencies
d) Calculate priorities
3) Estimating the Work Effort
a) Importance of estimating
b) Accurate estimates?
c) Methods of test estimation
4) Creating the Test Schedule
a) Scheduling test activities
b) Utilizing and managing resources
5) Writing the Test Plan
a) Test plan templates
b) What’s important and what isn’t
b) Scope Creep
c) Determining test impacts
b) Zero Bug Bounce
c) Communicating Defects
b) Tracking metrics
c) Using metrics
b) Keeping up with the objectives of the test
c) Recognizing potential delays
d) Using the S-Curve
Post-Test Activities
b) Reviewing the effort
c) Improving future test efforts
b) Section review
c) How to use the report
d) Communicating the information in the report
Zenergy’s staff experts in Agile, DevOps, and quality are in high demand as industry consultants, practitioners, and speakers at the largest software conferences in the world.
From mobile test automation using leading tools to manual testing on mobile devices, Zenergy has the experience to ensure mobile sites and apps perform as expected.
Test automation works best when implemented with a solid strategy. Zenergy has the experience to ensure your automation scales and performs like you want.
Zenergy not only houses leading QA and testing experts, it also employs large teams of automation engineers and test specialists in its onshore facility.
From basic and advanced Selenium Automation courses to Test Methodology, Agile, and more, Zenergy can meet your training needs.